viernes, 5 de octubre de 2018

Personal Information on internet

In my opinion, give your personal information on the internet is very dangerous because you can't know how many people see it. In the case of the social media, specifically on Facebook, was in the news that personal information has been sold with the purpose to estimate the elections in some places. In this case, the information isn't safe anywhere, so why we need to expose it. 

However, i keep using social media for fun but my personal information is changed from time to time as a precautionary measure, more especially on facebook or instagram because are my two favorites social medias and i don't want share personal's stuff with everybody, so i don't share much information, but i feel that keeps me informed about the relevant events day by day and see what my contacts share, especially memes :P 

That is why i recommend to keep away relevant information about yourself from de social medias, because is always better have an in-depth conversation with someone and can get to know each other. 

3 comentarios:

  1. I agree with you Javiera, facebook has proved to be very insecure, and a website we can't trust. God save memes.

  2. I agree with you Pecca, is necessary to have precautions with the personal information to share in the social media.
    I also like the memes jaja :D

  3. I think that people must use this tools for share cultural information and not personal information
