viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2018


Hello everybody!

Today i'm going to talk about animals. In my opinion, dogs and cats are the best animals in the entire world, because they are soooo sweet and cute *-* jajajaj both are my favorites. In my home, sadly, i have two cats, Elvis and Cuca (like in "The Simpsons"), because i live in a apartment in a second floor, so for a dog is more difficult. However, when i was living in a house, we had a dog (Osito), but now my grandmother takes care of him <3 so i can visit her and see my dog.

I don't like exotic pets, i'm more familiar to domestic pets, especially cats and dogs (like i say before).

About zoo, i don't really like, because i don't understand why they need to be prisoners for human's entertainment, that is wrong. Recently, like tree o four years ago, in a course for "Psicobiología" we needed to go to a zoo, and when i go in there, i cry because it was very sad see all of the animals skinny and kept in cages so small, like in the case of elephant. I never want to go again, ever.

Like i say before, i'm vegetarian so i'm not a big fan of animal cruelty, even rodeo (i say that because some people protect rodeo only because is a  """"""tradition""""""), why an animal has to suffer for a human's entertainment? is not right, is only mean :( Animals are so sweet for that.

So, that's my blog, and please don't be agree with rodeo :(

7 comentarios:

  1. I remember that visit to the zoo for "Psicobiología" and was terrible see the giraffe in a cage, where it can't walk in that little space :(

  2. I agree with you with the fact that rodeos are animal cruelty machines, they should be all shutted down, they are torture, it's doesn't matter what some people say to "defend" them

  3. I love so much the name your cats jajaj
    And.. I agree with you, the zoo and rodeos are horrible practice where the animals suffer needlessly :(

  4. I go to house because yo have a cats! I love your cats!!

  5. Wow it must be difficult to have pets in apartments. I have two cats and they are always outside jajajja

  6. Elvis and Cuca are very great names!
    About rodeo I agree with you, it is a horrible practice.

  7. I have two cats and they are the queens of my house!
