viernes, 21 de diciembre de 2018


I considered that english class was cool and necesary for the students because these days most of the texts that we need for study in university are written in english :/ Besides, in the world one of the most spoken languages is englsih, so if we go to study in someother place know how to speak or understand can be helpful. 

About english class, i considered that is fun, but the time that was chosen is terrible, because is friday and with all the others stuff that we do in university is too much. Is exhausting sometimes because we need to study or, in my case, go to another place for a course, so if we have to do more stuff like this (do blogs or the videos) is tirig. 

Anyway, i think that my english isn't good, but is nice have a little time to practice and speak without of shame, because in here i believe that we all have the same level of english so, to me is more friendly in this way. Besides, with my boyfriend sometimes we have conversations in ensglish only because is fun listen to each other speak with a weird accent or triying to speak like an "españenglish" way jajajaja 

In the future, i hope that the english class can be auto enrolled because to me it was a figth triying to the department accept me, and now in four year of my career when i need only a semester to finish, they considered me. I hope that this can change, for the good experience of the next generation. 

viernes, 14 de diciembre de 2018

Changes to my study programme

Personally, i think that the curriculum of psychology is pretty old and need to be change, especially when the career has so much courses more biological or scientist. However, in psychology we have an advantage compared with another universities because in here we have an cycle of specialisation. In this cycle, each student can make they own semester according to they own interests, isn't great?

In the area of infrastructure, i considered that the building of FACSO is pretty old and isn't really enabled to the numbers of students that this had today. This is understandable because different careers have expanded the limit of students around 120, and the classrooms in the faculty are really small and the aularios are like the best solution but with this the problem still there, doesn't fix the issue . So, we can see an increase of enter and a insufficient space for all.

Anyway, because Juan Gomez Milla are forever unfinished, in a really really long time we hope that FACSO has a new building, with classrooms for every course and please i hope that this had air conditioner because in summer is terrible.

Also i hope that in a future, FACSO would be like a modern faculty with a television inside a projector, because this year in some classrooms they have a big tv and this is so much better and clear for those that have a bad vision like me. Is more like a technological way to do class, and dynamic because is like having class in a cinema jajajjaja. 

Summer plans

For this summer i think i have to work because my computer is dying and i need it for the next year because i some moment i need to do my degree thesis and finally graduate :( This is sad because the past summer i also had to work, so been oh vacations is not really a dream. 

Anyway, if i am lucky, i can go to Valparaiso, because in there i have family, my mother's boyfriend, so i can go whenever i want, is like an advantage, YAY ME jajajaj. Also i hope if i go, taking my boyfriend with me, because i want to show him why i love Valparaiso, so he can look at it the way i look Valpito. 

Even though this summer is not a dream, i'm pretty sure that i can have fun anyway, so is not a big problem and i can buy stuff that i need for my professional practice, like clothes or something like that. Besides, doing that i taking care of my mom's wallet because a computer or "formal" clothes isn't really economical. 

On the other hand, is hard to do this stuff because study is really expensive in the economical cost as well as the emotional, and isn't fair because it's exhausting, especially in the Universidad de Chile :( Anyway, i hope some day things would be different, and i think that every cost is repaid, especially in a last year of career... 

viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2018


Hello everybody!

Today i'm going to talk about animals. In my opinion, dogs and cats are the best animals in the entire world, because they are soooo sweet and cute *-* jajajaj both are my favorites. In my home, sadly, i have two cats, Elvis and Cuca (like in "The Simpsons"), because i live in a apartment in a second floor, so for a dog is more difficult. However, when i was living in a house, we had a dog (Osito), but now my grandmother takes care of him <3 so i can visit her and see my dog.

I don't like exotic pets, i'm more familiar to domestic pets, especially cats and dogs (like i say before).

About zoo, i don't really like, because i don't understand why they need to be prisoners for human's entertainment, that is wrong. Recently, like tree o four years ago, in a course for "Psicobiología" we needed to go to a zoo, and when i go in there, i cry because it was very sad see all of the animals skinny and kept in cages so small, like in the case of elephant. I never want to go again, ever.

Like i say before, i'm vegetarian so i'm not a big fan of animal cruelty, even rodeo (i say that because some people protect rodeo only because is a  """"""tradition""""""), why an animal has to suffer for a human's entertainment? is not right, is only mean :( Animals are so sweet for that.

So, that's my blog, and please don't be agree with rodeo :(

viernes, 23 de noviembre de 2018

Postgraduate Studies

In this moment, is hard to choose what i want because recently y have to take my professional practice and think about what's next is killing me :( Anyway i think maybe in clinical psychology take something related to infanto juvenil, is first and only option. 

With this, in my career (psychology) we can take one diplomado like a "curso de formación profesional" and is a advantage because with this we can take the next year a Magister and validate the courses. Is like a 2x1 jajajaja. In this case, is more easier in so many ways like with the money or the fact that i know FACSO already. Besides, i can take one diplomado that i'm interested in, with a teacher that i like so is a big opportunity to me and to all of my classmates. 

However, in my future i would like to study in somewhere else like Canadá or something, that is why i want to do this english course, and because without this i can't finish my degree jajajaja. Just kidding, i want to travel a lot but i need money to do that first, but always i can dream :P 

I hope someday finish my career and do more stuff because i'm tired and i need another hobby, but one thing at a time and do it well. 

viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2018

My future job

In my future i would like to do clinical psychology i guess, because lately i considered educational psychology but i don't know for sure, so i have this two options now. Is difficult to me taking this decision because next week i have to choose some place to do my practice and i'm so confused right now. 

Anyway, i want that any option i would take make me happy :) and give me a lot of money jajaja (i wish because my career is more social science and we know whats next..). Just kidding, i don't care how many money i have, all i want is do something that i love. 

So basically, i hope one of this days i can choose one of the options and do it with no regret. Its hard for me think about the future when i have to choose one the next week (a future professional practice but still...), is like thought back time and decide what career pick in 4to medio, and is stressful to me :( i'm not ready this time, i need a vocational test again jajaja.

This post is so far from what i think we have to do but is important to me be honest with you and telling that i have no idea of my future.

viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2018

My favorite music ;3

It is difficult to me to think what kind of music is my favorite because i never listened one type of music exclusively. But, when i was a little girl my mom listened Silvio Rodriguez, Illapu, Sol y lluvia or that kind of stuff like all the time, so basically is the type of music that i always i have listened, and i like it jajajaja 

Apart from that, i think that i never been involved in one kind of music, like when i was little (8 or 9 years old) i was sooo in love of KUDAI jajajajaj even i went to a concert with my mom and i always remember that because for a mistake, the security guards placed us in first place, and it was crazy jajajajaj.

Anyway, now i don't have any favorite music, i like to listen 31 minutos when i clean the house or listen queen or Bruno Mars (my secret boyfriend), Pink Floyd, Chico Trujillo, even i listen bad bunny for fun basically. My kind of music is so random, i think that its depend on the day. My mom gets mad when i listen reguetón when i clean the house, but i like dance with the broomstick or with the mop. Maybe some day we can dance together or keep listening the same music that when i was little, its always fun listen music to me. 

Listen my favorite song of 31 minutos Bombi - Arwrarwrirwrarwro

Resultado de imagen para 31 minutos bombi

viernes, 26 de octubre de 2018


Thinking about food make me feel hungry jajaja but in this moment, something that i considered my favorite food could be pizza. Also, i like so much eat sushi or all the italian food, but pizza won the first place. 

I love cooking all kind of stuff like pasta or sushi or soup, and i really like cooking when i'm home alone, because i can be creative for myself, most especially because i'm vegetarian so i need another type of essential nutrients. This is the reason why when i'm in university i eat a lot of pulses, because my mom <3 cooked every week some different pulse, like beans or lentils. 

As i said earlier, i love pizza because is soooo delicious :P and for that my favorite restaurant is "Little Caesars". I know that is a fast food restaurant but in there is cheap and so good jajaja. Is the kind of restaurant that is friendly with wallet jajaja 

Fun fact: When i was on vacations, i went to the south of Chile with my boyfriend and a friend, and in there, the only thing that we love the most (besides the landscape of Villarica) was eat a lot of pizza jajajaja. 

miércoles, 24 de octubre de 2018

The best concert eveeeerrrr !!!

The best concert ever was one i went with my boyfriend last year. We went to listen our favorite band, Guachupé.
Guachupé is a chilean music band, they plays a kind of music that i can't explain but they are sooo good hahaha i recommend them!
That day was the release of the last album, called "La vuelta por un día". We enjoy so much because was amazing been there, with all this people with the same taste in music. Besides, the song that they play was so good, we even cry in a moment jajajaj Was so much fun, i want to go to another but sadly i don't have any money now :(
Anyway, i hope i can go to another soon because i like so much this band, even i have the t-shirt of the "hinchada", which is a kind of fansclub but more like a football team, with "canticos" and flags with yellow and black (the characteristic colors).
I wish i had the money so i can buy the tickets for the concert on this friday :(

viernes, 12 de octubre de 2018

A country i'd like to visit

I would like to go to Cuba because i'm interested in get to know more things about the culture and see all the differents landscape, also i had the pleasure to know someone from there and she said that every beach is beautiful and i want to see that. 

From Cuba, i know and i want to know more about the music and the culture because i find this interesting and i want to learn, like, dance salsa and stuff jaja :P If i could, i would like to do in there drink "Cuba Libre", that it is like ron with cocacola, and dance a looot of salsa jajaja

I would like to live there only if i can take my family with me, and if i can't, i would like to go to study a couple of months and come back with my family.

Anyway, writting about this make me want to go so badly, and when i reseach some photos i thing that i really need to go like right now!!! i wish i could someday :(

viernes, 5 de octubre de 2018

Personal Information on internet

In my opinion, give your personal information on the internet is very dangerous because you can't know how many people see it. In the case of the social media, specifically on Facebook, was in the news that personal information has been sold with the purpose to estimate the elections in some places. In this case, the information isn't safe anywhere, so why we need to expose it. 

However, i keep using social media for fun but my personal information is changed from time to time as a precautionary measure, more especially on facebook or instagram because are my two favorites social medias and i don't want share personal's stuff with everybody, so i don't share much information, but i feel that keeps me informed about the relevant events day by day and see what my contacts share, especially memes :P 

That is why i recommend to keep away relevant information about yourself from de social medias, because is always better have an in-depth conversation with someone and can get to know each other.